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My Puerto Galera Chronicle Part 1: Unscheduled Travel

Batangas Port wherein it is the entry point going to Puerto
I already experienced this HOT and WILD summer in Boracay Island few years from now and I thought that it was the hottest and wildest thing I ever had. But I was wrong until my Puerto Galera escapade happened.

April 16, 2014 Holy Wednesday, when the management team (in my work place) announced that we will be having a long weekend since we don’t have a work on Holy Friday. I was frustrated since I was expecting to report and have double pay for that day. Besides, Management announced too late, for me to prepare a long weekend vacation. So I need to do a quick plan since I can’t even afford seeing myself inside my room idle starting Good Friday, Black Saturday up to Easter Sunday.
In the middle of my voyage , I noticed a lot of luxurios yacht. -on my way to Puerto Galera

I arrived at the Beach at 9:30AM but i can feel now the
hotness of the weather.
Holy Thursday April 17, 2014, I contacted my friend Mike (Outrage Magazine EIC) at eight in the morning, if what’s his plan for the holy week. “Nandito na ako sa Puerto Galera , kakarating ko lang ( I just arrived at Puerto Galera now)” he said. I told him that I was frustrated for the company’s late announcement. “Relax ka lang, If you want, just follow us tomorrow after your duty” he invited. “I am with my friends and we can stay here up until Sunday” he added.

I packed up my 40L Backpack and bring it to the office so that after my shift, I can go right away to the Bus terminal bound to Batangas Port.

After my 8PM-5AM Night shift, I went directly to JAM Liner located at Taft corner Gil Puyat Ave to look for the Bus going to Batangas Port. I was surprised and I am not expecting that JAM was closed. So I went to JAC Liner which adjacent to JAM Liner to look for an alternative Bus, or else I will go back home and suffer from boredom.  Fortunately, there was a bus which was about to leave so I quickly ride and my seatmate was a British National. The Bus left at exactly 6:30AM.
Di mahulogang karayom -This is the face of Puerto Galera during holy week.  
“So you guys are going to spend your Holy Week in Puerto Galera” I pointed his two White friends. “Yes, we came from South-east Asia Backpack and we will visit Sabang Beach for Diving” he answered. The travel time was almost 1hr and 30 Minutes (PHP 160 Fare) and Instead of sleeping since I just came from an eight-hour work; I spent my time talking to my seatmate. We shared lot of things about Travel – Like Travel Tips, Experiences and Learnings.

This is Mike David Tan while he is waiting  my arrival
(I surprisingly capture him)
8AM the bus arrived in Batangas Port. I bought a ferry boat ticket for PHP 325 including terminal fee (Manolo Shipping). “Hey dude! We have different destination. You are going to White Beach (wherein my friends are waiting) and we are going to Sabang Beach (wherein Sabang is famous for Diving), I am happy conversing with you”, he said. That was the first and last time I met them.

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8:30 AM, After the Ferry Boat was fully occupied, we left right away. It was Good Friday therefore the numbers of the tourist are not that heavy compared if you are traveling starting Monday to Thursday. Most likely Friday is the best day to travel going Puerto Galera during Holy week. Though, you will miss the Parties during Monday-Thursday.

Inside the ferry boat, I was able to take a deep nap. Moreover, I am not still knowledgeable if what‘s Puerto Galera can offer with, aside on its White Beach…. The only thing I know after reading some blogs - Puerto Galera is very crowded and too commercialized during that moment.

After an hour of sea travel, from a different point of view, I was staring the stretch of the White Beach Shoreline. Just like other passengers, the excitement to take off was totally obvious in each individual’s facial expression.  From the sea, you will notice that truly Puerto Galera is very commercialized Beach. You will see innumerable people roaming around at the shoreline were saturated by beach bummers, swimming at the beach and some ferry boats.
“Mike! I am already here” I texted my friend.

Before I can enter the beach proper, I need to pay another PHP50 for the environmental fee. Wow! That’s another Payment!

To be Continue…
My Puerto Galera Chronicle Part 1
My Puerto Galera Chronicle Part 2
My Puerto Galera Chronicle Part 3
My Puerto Galera Chronicle Part 4
My Puerto Galera Chronicle Part 5
My Puerto Galera Chronicle Part 6
My Puerto Galera Chronicle Part 7
My Puerto Galera Chronicle Part 8
disqus, ilovetansyong, blogger


Money, Fitness and Sport, Culture, Tradition, Delicacy,Churches,Religion,Tradition
ILoveTansyongᵀᴹ |