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Where to spend your 225 pesos in Puerto Princesa City?

Are you a Group, Family or barkadas who are looking for a less expensive Beach in Puerto Princesa where in you can stay all day long? Do you want to experience a White beach and you guys only have 225 pesos budget for it?

A kiss to remember : One of the dogs in Pristine Beach

Read this Post because ill share you my cheapest Beach Experience.
Another Kiss to remember
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As a true blooded traveler, you are trying to do is to enjoy your travels the cheapest way possible (as per journeying James). Remember, Travel is different from Vacation. Travel is more exciting and challenging rather than a luxurious Vacation.

As per Wiki; Vacation is a specific trip or journey, usually for the purpose of recreation or tourism. But Travelling is the movement of people between relatively distant geographical locations, and can involve travel by foot, bicycle, automobile, train, boat, airplane, or other means, with or without luggage, and can be one way or round trip. So when we say Vacation it has a specific trip or journey, but in travelling, you keep on moving from point a to b, (ill discuss it on my upcoming post)

Since we are talking about travelling the cheapest way possible (adaptation from James), I will provide you information on where to spend your 225 pesos in one day during your travel and almost you are on a vacation trip.

Speaking of Beach, I suggest you to visit pristine beach. It is located in Abeug Road, Bancao Bancao , just ride a tricycle  from city proper which is PHP15 only. Pristine is the only beach in town. If you want to meet some of the locals and have a few drinks, go to Pristine Beach, it’s a great place.  The entrance fee is 25 pesos per person and 200 pesos for the rent of the cottage. They also offered a free grill tools so that you can grill your fresh fish and pork for your lunch.
During Low tide
The Beach Resort is not yet well developed, actually not as clean as it used to be and no longer white or pristine. Yet you can still enjoy the beach especially during low tide. At first you will think that won’t enjoy because during high tide, you will not see a wide shore line. But wait, Just enjoy you food first and when the low tide will come, that would be the time you will appreciate the hidden beauty of it.

Lot of activities will arise when low tide exists. My Friends, bought a volleyball and we play, we met also some locals who teach us skim boarding and poi dancing ( I will narrate my experience about it on my upcoming post).  If you are a dog lover, believe me, you will enjoy the most because various aspin dog are inhabitants of the resort. And the best thing about them, they are very sweet, very very much sweet! I love them.
The Super Twins 

Some Crazy tips yet effective:

·         If you are trying to avoid paying the entrance fee, you can use another entry point. Beside the resort is the mangroves plantation, you can use that as an entry point, just advise the tricycle driver to bring you at the mangroves plantation beside pristine beach. The consequence is you need to walk across the mangroves plantation, but don’t worry coz locals are doing that.   This is not advisable if you’re group is more than five, coz it’s noticeable, and the resort attendant might ask you.  Alternative way is one of your group member will use the main entrance and pay for the entrance fee and rent of the cottage. Once everything are ok. Remaining members can now proceed to you cottage discreetly.

·         Bring your own food and drinks. Bring your own charcoal for grilling, Bring you own Volleyball.

Now I already told you about it, Just try it, being tactful is good sometimes especially if your out of budget during travel. HAHAHA.
8 8 Comments
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  1. I love to go to Palawan esp Coron , thanks for your blog para na rin akong nakapunta dyan :) thanks for the visit and add Jon :) looking forward for your more adventure :)

    1. Thanks Leah for droppin, hope makaksama kita sa mga adventures ko

  2. I really love Palawan. The Palawenos are too good to be true that they are full hospitality. The Pristine Beach Resort is nice and beautiful at a very cheap price. And their food delicacies like Chao Long is very savory and the tamilok is delicious enough for a food adventurer like me.

    1. Hello Erickson, di pa ako nakatikim ng tamilok pero sana makabalik ako ng Palawan

  3. If you are traveling alone, is this area good? is there bar in the resort you can go to, to drink and meet people?

    1. No, this place maurizio is not yet developed well, very solemn! perfect for adventurer

  4. thats ok i can go out to the street and eat and drink then. Eat lots of Adobo. yum yum


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